The purpose of this course is to introduce the theory and practice of functional programming (FP). The characteristic feature of FP is the emphasis on computing by calculation. The traditional distinction between program and data characteristic of imperative programming (IP) is replaced by an emphasis on classifying expressions by types that specify their behavior. Types include familiar (fixed and arbitrary precision) numeric types, tuples and records (structs), classified values (objects), inductive types such as trees, functions with specified inputs and outputs, and commands such as input and output. Execution of imperative programs is generalized to evaluation of well-typed expressions by a smooth extension of mathematical experience to programming practice.
The advantages of FP are significant:
Prerequisites: COMP 211. MA 228 (or some other math class if you're not ready for that yet) works well as a corequisite.
There will be two lectures per week. Lectures will be in Exley 150, Tuesday and Thursday 2:50-4:10pm. If you miss class or want to review, the (asynchronous) videos from a previous year's course will be linked from the lectures page. There are also readings (lecture notes from a previous instance of this course). We may cover a bit of new material this semester that is not in these pre-recorded videos or notes, especially towards the end of the semester.
There will be weekly lab sessions held on Wednesday at 1:20pm-2:40pm in Exley 638 and 2:50pm-4:10pm in Exley 103 (ST Lab). Labs are intended to be the bridge between lectures and homeworks: you practice the skills introduced in lecture, with help, to prepare you for the week’s homework. There will occaisonally be a bit of new material beyond the lecture content introduced in lab, and you are responsible for this material. Solutions will be posted with the labs. Lab attendance is optional but strongly recommended, but ultimately you should use the labs in the way that is best for you (doing them during lab time; trying them on your own and reading the solutions; or reading through the problems and solutions before starting the week's homework). Some lab solutions will be discussed in the next day's lecture, so you should plan to do them before then to avoid spoilers.
There will be weekly written and programming assignments. Homeworks are designed to help you internalize the course material and are where most of the learning in the class happens; they consist of written problems and short to medium-sized programming tasks. Homeworks will be submitted by uploading them to a Google Drive folder. No late homeworks will be accepted except by permission of instructor (but please ask if you need extra time!).
For assistance with the homeworks, there will be regular help sessions.
In place of exams, there will be non-collaborative challenge problems on many homeworks. These problems will test your proficiency with the material without help from the course staff.