{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Agda.Primitive using (Level;lsuc;_⊔_;lzero)
open import Lib
open import Interval
open import Proposition
open import Cofibs
open import Kan
open import Glue
open import Path
open import universe.Universe
open import Glue-Weak
open import Equiv
open import universe.Path
open import Contractible

module universe.Glue where

  record GlueData (@l : Level) : Set (ℓ₂  lsuc l) where
    constructor gluedata
      α : Set
      c : Cofib α
      T : α  U{l}
      B : U{l}
      f : ( : α)  El (T )  El B
      feq : ( : α)  isEquivFill _ _ (f )

  Glue-from-data : {@l : Level}  GlueData l  Set l
  Glue-from-data (gluedata α  T B f feq) = Glue α {{  }} (El o T) (El B) f

  record VData (@l : Level) : Set (ℓ₂  lsuc l) where
    constructor Vc
      A : U {l}
      B : U {l}
      e : Equiv (El A) (El B)
      x : I

  V-to-Glue : {@l : Level}  VData l  GlueData l
  V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x) =
         gluedata ((x == `0)  (x == `1))
                  (Cofib∨ {{Cofib=}} {{Cofib=}}) 
                  ((case (\ x=0  A) (\ x=1  B) (\ p q  abort (iabort (q  ! p)) )))
                  (∨-elim01 _ (\ _  fst e) (\ _ x  x))
                  (∨-elim01 _ (\ _  isEquiv-isEquivFill _ _ _ (snd e) (\ b  hcomEl (HFiber-code {A = A} {B} (fst e) b) ))
                              ((\ _  isEquiv-isEquivFill _ _ _ (id-Equiv (hcomEl B)) ((\ b  hcomEl (HFiber-code {A = B} {B} (\ x  x) b) )) )) )

  module ComGlue {@l : Level} (G : I  GlueData l) (s s' : I) (β : Set) {{  : Cofib β }}
                 (u : (z : I)  β  Glue-from-data (G z))
                 (v : Glue-from-data (G s) [ β  u s ]) where

    module Gs = GlueData (G s)
    module Gs' = GlueData (G s')
    bfill : (w : I)  _ [ β  _ , _  _ ]
    bfill w = comEl' (\x  (GlueData.B x))
                G s w
                β (\ z   unglue {{_}} (u z ))
                (unglue {{_}} (fst v) , (\   ap (unglue {{_}}) (snd v )))

    b' = bfill s'
    c : (pαs' : Gs'.α)  _
    c pαs' =  Gs'.feq pαs' (fst b')
                       (β  (s == s'))
                       (case (\   transport (HFiber (Gs'.f pαs')) (fst (snd b') ) (Glue-to-fiber {{_}} (u s' ) pαs') )
                             (\ s=s'  transport (HFiber (Gs'.f pαs'))
                                        (snd (snd b') s=s'  ⇒GlueF-unglue {Γ = I} {α = λ x  GlueData.α (G x) , GlueData.c (G x)}  x p  El (GlueData.T (G x) p)} (\ x  x) s=s' (fst v) )
                                        (Glue-to-fiber {{  = Gs'.c}} (transport (Glue-from-data o G) s=s' (fst v)) pαs'))
                             (\ { id   ap (\ H  (transport (HFiber (Gs'.f pαs')) (snd (snd b') id) (H pαs')) ) (apd (Glue-to-fiber {{_}}) (snd v )) 
                                          het-to-hom ((!h (transport-=h (HFiber (Gs'.f pαs')) (snd (snd b') id)) ∘h (  ap=o (ap (Σe (El (Gs'.T pαs'))) (λ= \ a  ap (Path (El Gs'.B) (Gs'.f pαs' a)) (ap (unglue {{_}}) (snd v )))) (\ x  x pαs') (\ x  x pαs') (λ=o (\ x y x=y  ap=od1 (λ= \ x  ap (\ H  HFiber (Gs'.f x) (unglue {{_}} H)) (snd v )) x y x=y)) (!h ((transport-=h  z  ( : Gs'.α)  HFiber (Gs'.f ) (unglue {{_}} z)) (snd v )) {(Glue-to-fiber {{_}} (u s ))})))) ∘h transport-=h (HFiber (Gs'.f pαs')) (fst (snd b') ) {(Glue-to-fiber {{_}} (u s ) pαs')}) })) 
    g = glue-weak-better {α = Gs'.α} {{ = Gs'.c}} (hcomEl Gs'.B)
                         (β  (s == s'))
                         (case (\   u s' )
                               (\ s=s'  transport (Glue-from-data o G) s=s' (fst v) )
                               (\  s=s'  ap (transport (Glue-from-data o G) s=s') (snd v )  ! (apd (\ x  u x ) s=s')))
                         (fst b' ,
                          ∨-elim _
                                 (\   fst (snd b') )
                                 (\ s=s'  snd (snd b') s=s'  ⇒GlueF-unglue {Γ = I} {α = λ x  GlueData.α (G x) , GlueData.c (G x)}  x p  El (GlueData.T (G x) p)} (\ x  x) s=s' (fst v)  )
                                 (\ _ _  uip))
                         (\ pαs'  fst (c pαs') ,
                                   ∨-elim _
                                         (\   snd (c pαs') (inl ))
                                         (\ s=s'  snd (c pαs') (inr s=s') )
                                         (\ _ _  uip))

    comGlue-unaligned : {@l : Level}  relCom (Glue-from-data{l})
    comGlue-unaligned G s s' β u v = fst g ,
                                     (\   snd g (inl )) ,
                                     (\ s=s'  snd g (inr s=s') ) where
       g = (ComGlue.g G s s' β u v)

    -- this got very slow when using reduce to finish things off
    -- changed the equational proof of reduce to make it finish faster;
    -- not sure what it's normalizing, but could probably speed it up with fewer implicits somewhere
    comGlue-unaligned-β-V-coe :  {@l : Level} {A B : U {l}} (e : Equiv (El A) (El B))
                                  (a : El A)
          Path (El B)
                (coe (Glue-α ((`1 == `0)  (`1 == `1)) (El o GlueData.T (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1))) (El (GlueData.B (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1)))) (GlueData.f (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1))) (inr id))
                    (fst (comGlue-unaligned (\ x  (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x))) `0 `1  (\ x  abort)
                                            (coe (! (Glue-α ((`0 == `0)  (`0 == `1)) (El o GlueData.T (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0))) (El (GlueData.B (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0)))) (GlueData.f (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0))) (inl id))) a , \ x  abort x))))
                (fst e a)
    comGlue-unaligned-β-V-coe {A = A} {B} e a = (\ z  fst (compose z)) ,
                                                (! reduce   fst (snd (contr-extendβ)))  ! (fst (snd (compose `0)) (inl id)) ,
                                                (reduce2  fst (snd regularity-b'))  ! (fst (snd (compose `1)) (inr id))   where
       p0 = (! (Glue-α ((`0 == `0)  (`0 == `1)) (El o GlueData.T (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0))) (El (GlueData.B (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0)))) (GlueData.f (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0))) (inl id)))
       p1 = (Glue-α ((`1 == `0)  (`1 == `1)) (El o GlueData.T (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1))) (El (GlueData.B (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1)))) (GlueData.f (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1))) (inr id))

       a' = coe p0 a
       b' = fst (ComGlue.b'  x  V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x)) `0 `1   x  abort) (a' ,  x  abort x)))

       contr-extend = (fst (contr-extend-partial (hcomEl ((HFiber-code {A = B} {B} (\ x  x)) b')) ((id-Equiv (hcomEl B)) b') (  (`0 == `1)) _))

       reduce :  coe (Glue-α ((`1 == `0)  (`1 == `1)) (El o GlueData.T (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1))) (El (GlueData.B (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1)))) (GlueData.f (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `1))) (inr id))
                     (fst (comGlue-unaligned (\ x  (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x))) `0 `1  (\ x  abort) (coe (! (Glue-α ((`0 == `0)  (`0 == `1)) (El o GlueData.T (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0))) (El (GlueData.B (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0)))) (GlueData.f (V-to-Glue (Vc A B e `0))) (inl id))) a  , \ x  abort x)))
              == (fst contr-extend)
       reduce = glue-α _ _ (inr id)
                -- _ =〈 glue-α _ _ (inr id) 〉 
                -- fst (fst (ComGlue.c (λ x → V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x)) `0 `1 ⊥ (λ x → abort) (a' , (λ x → abort x)) (inr id))) =〈 id 〉
                -- fst (fst (isEquiv-isEquivFill _ _ _ (id-Equiv (hcomEl B)) ((\ b → hcomEl (HFiber-code {A = B} {B} (\ x → x) b) )) b' (⊥ ∨ (`0 == `1)) _)) =〈 id 〉
                -- (fst contr-extend ∎) 

       contr-extendβ : Path _ (fst contr-extend) b'
       contr-extendβ = (\ z  fst (fst p z)) , ap fst (fst (snd p)) , ap fst (snd (snd p)) where
         p : Path _ contr-extend _
         p = (contr-extend-partial-path (hcomEl ((HFiber-code {A = B} {B} (\ x  x)) b')) ((id-Equiv (hcomEl B)) b') (  (`0 == `1)) _)

       reduce2 : (unglue a') == (fst e a)
       reduce2 =  ap (fst e) (ap= (transport-inv-2 (\ x  x) (Glue-α _ _ _ _ (inl id))))  ! (unglue-α a' (inl id)) 

       regularity-b' : Path _ (unglue a') b' 
       regularity-b' = (\ z  fst (ComGlue.bfill  x  V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x)) `0 `1   x  abort) (a' ,  x  abort x)) z)  ) ,
                       ! (snd (snd (ComGlue.bfill  x  V-to-Glue (Vc A B e x)) `0 `1   x  abort) (a' ,  x  abort x)) `0)) id) ,

       compose : (x : I)  _
       compose x =  hcomEl B `1 `0 ((x == `0)  (x == `1)) (\ z  case01 (\ _  fst contr-extendβ z) (\ _  fst regularity-b' z))
                             (b' , ∨-elim01 _ (\ _  snd (snd contr-extendβ)) (\ _  snd (snd regularity-b')))  

    hasCom-Glue-fiber : {@l : Level} (G : I  GlueData l)
                      (p∀α : (x : _)  (GlueData.α (G x) ))
                     hasCom (Glue-from-data{l} o G) 
    hasCom-Glue-fiber G p∀α s s' β {{  }} t b = 
      coe (! (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G s')) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α s')))) (fst comT) ,
      (\   ap (coe (! (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G s')) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α s'))))) (fst (snd comT) )  ! (ap= (transport-inv (\ X  X) (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G s')) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α s')))))) ,
      (\ {id  ap (coe (! (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G s')) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α s'))))) (snd (snd comT) id)  ! (ap= (transport-inv (\ X  X) (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G s')) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α s')))))}) 
      comT = comEl (\ x  GlueData.T (G x) (p∀α x)) s s' β
                   (\ w   coe (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G w)) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α w))) (t w ))
                   ((coe (Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (G s)) }} _ _ _ ((p∀α s))) (fst b)) ,
                    ((\   ap (coe (Glue-α _ {{ GlueData.c (G s) }} _ _ _ (p∀α s))) ((snd b) ))))

    comGlue : {@l : Level}  relCom (Glue-from-data{l})
    comGlue G = fst (adjust-hasCom (Glue-from-data o G) (comGlue-unaligned G) ((x : _)  (GlueData.α (G x) )) {{Cofib∀ {_} {\ x  GlueData.c (G x)}}} (hasCom-Glue-fiber G)) 
    comGlue-∀α : {@l : Level}(G : I  GlueData l)
                (p∀α : (x₁ : I)  GlueData.α (G x₁))  hasCom-Glue-fiber G p∀α == comGlue G
    comGlue-∀α G = snd (adjust-hasCom (Glue-from-data o G) (comGlue-unaligned G) ((x : _)  (GlueData.α (G x) )) {{Cofib∀ {_} {\ x  GlueData.c (G x)}}} (hasCom-Glue-fiber G)) 

    comGlue-not∀α : {@l : Level} (G : I  GlueData l)
                (not∀α : ((x₁ : I)  GlueData.α (G x₁))  {lzero})
                 r r' α {{ : Cofib α}} t b
                Path _ (fst (comGlue G r r' α t b)) (fst (comGlue-unaligned G r r' α t b)) 
    comGlue-not∀α G not∀α r r' α {{}} t b = fst q ,
                                              fst (snd q)   ,
                                              snd (snd q) where
      q = adjust-hasCom-not (Glue-from-data o G) (comGlue-unaligned G) ((x : _)  (GlueData.α (G x) )) {{Cofib∀ {_} {\ x  GlueData.c (G x)}}} (hasCom-Glue-fiber G)
                            not∀α r r' α t b

  Glue-code-universal : {@l1 : Level}  (GlueData l1  U {l1})
  Glue-code-universal {l1} = (code (GlueData l1) (Glue-from-data {l1}) comGlue)

    Glue-code-universal-α : {@l : Level}  (H : GlueData l) 
                               ( : GlueData.α H) 
                               Glue-code-universal H == GlueData.T H 
    Glue-code-universal-α {l} (gluedata α  T B f feq)  = 
      Glue-code-universal (gluedata α  T B f feq) =〈  ap-code-com (! (comEl-code-subst {Δ = (Σ \ (H : GlueData l)  GlueData.α H)} {Γ = GlueData l} {A = Glue-from-data} {comA = comGlue} fst) )
                                                         code-flat-assoc {Δ = (Σ \ (H : GlueData l)  GlueData.α H)} {Γ = GlueData l} {A = Glue-from-data} {comA = comGlue} fst (gluedata α  T B f feq , )  
      (code ((Σ \ (H : GlueData l)  GlueData.α H)) 
            ((El o Glue-code-universal o fst)) 
            ((comPre (Glue-code-universal o fst) El comEl)) 
      ) ((gluedata α  T B f feq , )) =〈  ap= (code= (Σ \ (H : GlueData l)  GlueData.α H)
                                                   ((El o Glue-code-universal o fst))
                                                   ( El o ( \ p  GlueData.T (fst p) (snd p)) )
                                                   ((comEl' (Glue-code-universal o fst)))
                                                   (comEl' ( \ p  GlueData.T (fst p) (snd p)))
                                                   (\ cpα  Glue-α _ {{ (GlueData.c (fst cpα)) }} (El o GlueData.T (fst cpα)) (El (GlueData.B (fst cpα))) (GlueData.f (fst cpα)) (snd cpα)) 
                                                   (\ p s s' β  t b  -- uses aligning here
                                                                        ap (\ H  fst (H s s' β {{}} t b)) (! (comGlue-∀α (fst o p) (\ x  snd (p x))))       
                                                                        ap (\ h  fst (h p s s' β {{  }} t b)) (comEl-code-subst {Δ = Σ GlueData.α} {Γ = GlueData l} {A = Glue-from-data} {comA = comGlue} fst)) )   
      (code (Σ \ (H : GlueData l)  GlueData.α H) 
            (  \ p   El (GlueData.T (fst p) (snd p))  )
            (comPre ( ( \ p  GlueData.T (fst p) (snd p)) ) El comEl)) ((gluedata α  T B f feq) , ) 
            =〈 ! (universal-code-η _)  
               ! (code-flat-assoc {Δ = (Σ \ (H : GlueData l)  GlueData.α H)} {Γ = U} {A = El} {comA = comEl} ( \ p  GlueData.T (fst p) (snd p)) ((gluedata α  T B f feq) , ))  
      (T  ) 

  Glue-code : {@l1 l2 : Level} {Γ : Set l1}  (Γ  GlueData l2)  (Γ  U {l2})
  Glue-code {l1} {l2} C x = (Glue-code-universal {l2}) (C x) 

  Glue-code' : {@l1 l2 : Level} {Γ : Set l1}
               (α : Γ  Set)
               ( : (θ : Γ)  Cofib (α θ))
               (T : (θ : Γ)  α θ  U{l2})
               (B : Γ  U{l2})
               (f : (θ : Γ) ( : α θ)  El (T θ )  El (B θ))
               (feq : (θ : Γ) ( : α θ)  isEquivFill _ _ (f θ ))
              Γ  U{l2}
  Glue-code' α  T B f feq = Glue-code (\ θ  (gluedata (α θ) ( θ) (T θ) (B θ) (f θ) (feq θ)) )

  Glue-code-El : {@l1 l2 : Level} {Γ : Set l1}
               (α : Γ  Set)
               ( : (θ : Γ)  Cofib (α θ))
               (T : (θ : Γ)  α θ  U{l2})
               (B : Γ  U{l2})
               (f : (θ : Γ) ( : α θ)  El (T θ )  El (B θ))
               (feq : (θ : Γ) ( : α θ)  isEquivFill _ _ (f θ ))
               (θ : Γ)  El (Glue-code' α  T B f feq θ) == Glue (α θ) {{ θ}} (El o (T θ)) (El (B θ)) (f θ)
  Glue-code-El α  T B f feq θ = id