All students are expected to be familiar with, and to comply with, the Honor Code. Unless otherwise stipulated, any work submitted as a homework assignment or examination must be entirely your own and may not be derived from the work of others, whether a published or unpublished source, the worldwide web, another student, other textbooks, materials from another course, from prior semesters of this course, or any other person or program. You may not copy, examine, or alter anyone else's homework assignment or computer program, or use a computer program to transcribe or otherwise modify or copy anyone else's files.
Collaboration policies for specific assignments:Examples of allowed collaboration: you may discuss the problems ("what does this mean?"), discuss solution approaches in general terms ("try doing induction on xs"), and provide minor debugging help ("you need a right paren here"). You may hand-write solutions to problems with other students on paper or on a whiteboard, but you must not take any notes away from this, and you must each independently write up the solution after waiting at least 2 hours.
Examples of disallowed collaboration: you may not pair program (unless it is a group assignment), give or receive solution files, or read someone else's code on their screen (except to provide debugging help).
You should understand everything you hand in well enough that you can quickly recreate it from scratch if asked.
No late homeworks will be accepted, except by special permission from the instructor.