Help Sessions
Lucas: Sunday, 7:10pm-8:40pm, Exley 109
Joe: Monday, 4:20pm-5:50pm, Exley 109
George: Tuesday, 7:10pm-8:40pm, Exley 109
Winona: Thursday, 7:10pm-8:40pm, Exley 109
Dan: See you at the above, or send me an email to make an appointment!
Lab 1 (Lucas, Joe): Wednesday, 5:40pm-7:10pm, Exley 72
Lab 2 (George, Winona): Wednesday, 7:10pm-8:40pm, Exley 72
We will use Piazza for questions about the assignments, for
students to discuss course materials, and to make announcements about the
class. You are responsible for being current with the information and
discussions that are posted there.
You will get an email from Piazza with a link inviting you to create
an account within the first week of the term. If you haven't gotten one
in that time, please contact course staff.
In addition to the web interface, there are Piazza apps for Android
and iOS available for free through their respective app stores.
Common recurrences
To install a local copy of sml/nj:
Mac OS
- Download and run
this installer.
- In the terminal, run
xcode-select --install
Run the installer that pops up if one does; otherwise you
already have the command line tools installed.
- To have a nicer SML interactive prompt,
install MacPorts.
Note: even though it says you need to install XCode, you
probably don't (tested on Mojave).
Then, in Terminal (to open Terminal, go to
Applications/Utilities), run
sudo /opt/local/bin/port install rlwrap
rlwrap is
a utility that lets you use the left/right arrow keys to move
around and use the up/down arrows to go through lines you have
previously typed.
- In the terminal, run
echo 'export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/smlnj/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bash_profile
- In the terminal, run
echo 'alias smlnj="rlwrap sml"' >> ~/.bash_profile
- Start a new terminal and you should be able to run smlnj
to start SML.
- Use
this installer.
When it asks where to install, choose C:\SMLNJ\ (the
default is in Program Files, but the space in that name
can confuse cygwin, so change it).
Cygwin lets you do Unix-y things on Windows; it will come in
handy in other CS classes. First, you need a standard Cygwin
installation. Download the 32-bit Cygwin installer
(do not get the 64-bit variant). Run the installer using standard
paths (should install to
C:\cygwin). Eventually, it will ask you which packages to
install. Search for the following packages, and for each one, click
"Skip" once so a version number appears, like in the image ("Skip"
means "do not install"; the version number means "install this
version"). You only need one of the packages that come up when you
search, not all of them.
- tar (may already be selected)
- rlwrap
The Cygwin installer will create a shortcut on the desktop which opens a Cygwin shell. If it fails, you can create a shortcut to C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe and change the "Start in" field to %USERPROFILE%.
- In the cygwin terminal, run
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/SMLNJ/bin'>> ~/.bash_profile
- Then run
echo 'alias smlnj="rlwrap sml.bat"' >> ~/.bash_profile
- Start a new cygwin terminal and you should be able to run smlnj
to start SML.
Text Editor
We recommend Atom or Sublime Text or GNU emacs for editing SML source files.
Sublime Text
Sublime Text is
available here; get
version 3.
More specifically:
- Download the installer for your operating system. On Windows,
follow the instructions in the installer. On Mac, navigate to your
downloads and open the .dmg file. A pop-up
containing your local Applications folder and a Sublime Text 3
file. Drag the Sublime Text file into the Applications folder.
- On Windows, you can open Sublime Text through the Start Menu.
On Mac, you can open Sublime Text in one of three ways:
- Finder: Open a new Finder window, navigate to your
Applications folder (it should be listed in the left-hand
column) and double-click on Sublime Text.
- Terminal: In terminal, enter “cd /Applications ; open
Launchpad: Open Launchpad and search for Sublime Text.
You may want to put a shortcut to Sublime Text on your desktop/in
your Dock.
- Install Package Control: Go to the Tools menu, click on Command
Pallet, and then type Install Package Control.
- To get syntax highlighting, install the "SML (Standard ML)"
- Press on Tools > Command Palette in the menu bar and
search for “install package”, then press enter with Package
Control: Install Package.
- Search for “SML (Standard ML)” and press enter to install.
- To use SML highlighting, you may now navigate to View >
Syntax > SML.
If you want to use
Atom, you can.
The support for SML is not quite as nice as emacs or Sublime, but
it's as beginner-friendly as Sublime and open-source like Emacs.
You'll want to install the
language-sml package by going to
Prefrences/Settings and then choosing the Install tab.
If you have Linux, you
almost certainly have emacs installed. For Mac and Windows get:
To install SML syntax highlighting:
- Make a software directory in your home directory
(to do this in the terminal, run mkdir ~/software/).
- Download sml-mode.tar and
unzip it in your software directory (to find it outside
the terminal, your software directory will be in software
in your home directory on a Mac or
in C:\cygwin\users\YOURNAME\software on Windows). This will
create a directory ~/software/sml-mode-3.3-custom.
- Open Emacs, type Control-x Control-f to open a
file, and then edit the line at the bottom of the screen to
Find file: ~/.emacs
and press enter. This is your emacs startup file.
Copy the the contents
of dotemacs-win.txt (Windows)
or dotemacs-mac.txt (Mac)
into this file. On Windows, you will need to edit the first line,
replacing YOURNAME with your Cygwin user name. NOTE: The
windows file is untested; let me know if you have problems.
- Save, close, and restart emacs.
- When you open emacs again and open a file.sml, it
will now color the syntax. Also, you can run SML inside emacs as
- Control-c Control-b: load the current emacs buffer into the SML
- Control-c Control-s: pop up a separate window with the
SML repl.
Some emacs resources:
- Start with this tutorial
on getting started with emacs
- To exit emacs, type Control-X, then Control-C. A prompt may
appear asking you about saving any changes you made; if this happens,
you will need to answer it before exiting.
- The emacs wiki is the
omnibus resource for emacs usage
- Wikipedia has an
article on the general history and culture of emacs, for the