Verification and Parallelism in Intro CS. Talk at Microsoft Research Redmond, 2014; at POPL Post-PC Meeting, 2014; at Wesleyan Natural Sciences and Mathematics Lunch, 2015; at ETAPS, 2016.
Teaching statement, April 2013
In Summer 2016, I taught programming languages background at the Oregon Programming Languages Summer School (also on youtube).
In Summer 2013, I taught Agda at the Oregon Programming Languages Summer School.
I have written many articles for the Twelf Wiki, and organized the Twelf Tutorial at POPL'09.
In Spring 2024, I taught Functional Programming.
In Spring 2023, I taught Functional Programming.
In Fall 2022, I taught Functional Programming.
In Spring 2022, I taught Functional Programming.
In Fall 2021, I taught Principles of Programming Languages.
In Spring 2021, I taught Functional Programming.
In Spring 2020, I taught Functional Programming.
In Spring 2019, I taught Functional Programming.
In Fall 2018, I taught Algorithms.
In Spring 2018, I taught How to Design Programs.
In Fall 2017, I taught How to Design Programs.
In Spring 2017, I taught Functional Programming and Algorithms.
In Spring 2016, I taught Functional Programming and Computer-Checked Programs and Proofs.
In Fall 2015, I taught Functional Programming.
In Spring 2015, I taught Functional Programming.
In Fall 2014, I taught Principles of Imperative Computation.
In Spring 2014, I taught Principles of Programming Languages and Principles of Imperative Computation.
In Fall 2013, I taught Computer-Checked Programs and Proofs.
From Spring 2011 to Spring 2012, I designed and taught 15-150: Functional Programming, a new introductory functional programming course that does parallelism and verification from the start.
I was the TA for 15-317: Constructive Logic in Fall, 2008.
I was a TA for 15-312: Principles of Programming Languages in Spring 2006.
At Brown, I was a TA / Head TA for CS17/18: An Integrated Introduction to Computer Science from Fall 2001 to Spring 2004.